I chose this picture taken by Elliott Marks from the film, Starsky and Hutch because it is pretty similar to the one I have that has three people in it. Not only does it have three people but it also is the discipline to one person from a higher power and the third person is just in the picture listening in to what is going on. The picture of mine in which this relates to is the one of Fabrizio, Barbara, and Meghan. The difference between the pictures is that everyone is standing in this one as in mine everyone except the person is sitting.
Elliott Marks, one of Hollywood's most respected film photographers worked on many movies. His first movie that he worked on was in 1971 and it was Chrome and Hot leather. He was thirty when he worked on his first movie. He worked on some big name movies like Pirates of the Caribbean and his last movie he worked on Starsky and Hutch.
This shot is from the film, In love and War. I chose this picture because it represent the picture I have of Fabrizio holding a bottle in his hand. Both pictures of someone staring off into a daze. The only difference of the pictures is that the man in this picture is not holding anything to look at he is just gazing off into the distance.
The film photographer for this movie is Yousuf Karsh. He worked with this film in 1997 and it was one of his only films he worked with. He is a famous film photographer who survived an Armenian Genocide by the Ottoman Empire and came to Canada when he was 16 years old to live.
This shot is from one of the many films done by David Nowell. This shot has been taken from the film tropic thunder. I chose it because it shows one man very interested in something. This is similar to my last photo, the one of Fabrizio smelling the object. Both characters are very interested. The differences are that the man in this picture is not holding anything but we can tell he is focused on something, looking away from the man behind him and using his hands to signify some are the things that can tell us that he is focused on something.
David Nowell has been the director of photography for 137 films. The first one being in 1974 and now working on 7 more for 2010. He has been the film photographer for a lot of major motion pictures like Transformer, Tropic Thunder, Star Trek, Iron Man and many more. He mainly works with action movies.
I chose this photo done by Mirjana Vrabaski because this was the one that stood out to me. It was very different than all the others. All of the other pictures have people either just sitting and standing. The one has a repeated layer and the body is moved to the right a little with a face other than neutral like the other pictures.
I liked how she worked where she would take someone and worked with them trying to get the picture that she wanted. She wouldn't necessarily find the right person right away and this requires a lot of patience, to go through many trials until you find what you want.