Thursday, March 18, 2010

Printing Composition - Campaigns

I went down to the elementary and couldn't have been given a better opportunity for a picture. This woman has voluntarily decided to help these two children learn their abc's. The little boy in the picture was so excited to learn his abc's he did it all by himself.

This photo was also taken when I went to visit the elementary kids, I really like the idea of this one, each kid was given a piece of the puzzle and they worked together to create the finished product which is what I was able to en capture.

This was my favorite idea personally. I chose something that didn't involve school or a classroom. It was something that every kid learns and is helped by their parents. I think that the composition could have been better but i still like the concept of this photo. Different and hopefully catches peoples attention.

Image Bank

Abbie Trayler-Smith

Abbie Trayler-Smith was born and raised in South Wales in 1977. Her interest in photography began while she was at school for law at kings college in london. She was a self- taught photographer who began with shooting people for the school newspaper. After graduating in 1998 she began working at the Daily Telegraph and then was signed with a full contract in 2001. Nine years into her career she had worked photographing war ridden countries and countries that had faced disasters. In 2006 she resigned from the Daily Telegraph to work on a wider variety of projects.

This photo is from one of Abbie's projects- Mali. All of her photos are like this, they are set in underdeveloped areas or places that have faced a tragedy. This one seemed a little different than the others and that is why I chose this one out of her many different exhibitions.

This photo is for a clothing spring- summer clothing campaign. I chose this photo because it is nothing like any of the other ad photos. Although it does follow the same "guidelines" to be an ad. Most ads have something that is completely out of the ordinary, there is something in the photo that catches the viewers attention. This photo caught my attention just because of the way that the woman in it is posing. It is clearly not a regular pose and does not have anything flashy so the pose is what makes the photo work.

Many nike ads are advertising shoes. This photo advertises more than that, the clothing, the game, and the player. Sports use different techniques than clothing companies. They use the athletes and get them at their best to sell their product. The catch the player in one of the most intense times of their game and they add quotes and their slogans. Those slogans catch on and that is how these ads get successful.

This ad is a campaign for shoes. At a first glance that is not what someone would think. And again in the clothing business there has to be something to catch the viewers attention and the fact that the girl is wrapped in nothing but vines really makes someone take a second look and then realize that it is for shoes.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Advertising campaigns

An advertisement campaign is a series of advertising messages that all show similar ideas to get the product popular. These messages are all shown around the same time frame and there are many ads for each company.

Levi "Go Forth Campaign"

This advertisements show the different varieties of styles that the jeans company has. They can provide for everyone with all the different varieties. In their new ads campaign they don't use any famous people but in some of their previous campaigns they have used some famous people such as actors. Actors such as Brad Pitt have been used for past commercials. And the past campaign was Unleash your beast.


Toyota is the world's largest automobile maker, located in Japan. Its largest sales are in the United States. The company has been around since 1937. At the beginning of the 80's Toyota won the first Japanese Quality Control Award. A few years later they made a deal with GM(General Motors) in the United States to have a manufacturing plant in Fremont, California. With this expansion to the United States, they began producing their luxury branch. Lexus and Scion are the other Toyota produced automobiles.

Beginning in the 1990's Toyota began to expand their vehicle production and began making SUVs, pickup trucks and sport versions of their older models. The Camry is one of the older models that had a sports version made. The Solara along with the camry were more affordable yet still sporty. Most recently toyota had made the best selling hybrid, the Prius. Its production began in 1997 and has grown with its modifications since then.

A few years ago Toyota had joined with citroen and began producing models for formula one racing.

At the beginning of this year Toyota has had to recall up to 1.8 million cars just across Europe.
This recall is said that it could cost up to 2 billion dollars.

Toyota is the world's largest automobile maker and had won at one point the Quality Control Award but now, making more luxurious cars, they have had problems and are hurting themselves.


Unicef, also known as United Nations Children's Fund was created on December 11, 1946 by the UN General Assembly. The group was originally organized to provide emergency help for children during WWII.
Unicef became part of the United Nations System in 1953. The name was shorted after they had become a part of the UN system from the original United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund but still uses the acronym to this day. Now Unicef provides humanitarian and development assistance to children and mothers who need it. Unicef main contributors are governments and private donors. Unicef has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 and the Prince of Asturias Award of Concord in 2006.
Unicef's fundraisers and advertisements include, "Trick-or-Treat for Unicef," their sponsorships with sports teams, and Art in all of us.

The "trick-or-treat for Unicef," is where children collect money fro unicef on halloween night rather than collecting candy. This is present in the United States, Canada, and some other countries.

Its sponsorships with sport teams include, the football club, FC Barcelona, Team Canada in the grand prix, Swedish Club Hammarby IF, NASCAR drivers, Renault Formula One team.

Of these sponsorshps, Barcelona has made a deal to donate 5 million euros per year for 5 years and will wear the Unicef logo on their jersey's.

Ever since 1950 a group of kids donated 17 dollars on Halloween night in Philadelphia and since then they have made this a tradition and has collected a total of 91 million canadian dollars in Canada and 132 million dollars in the US.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Diary Entry- Traditional Regalia

This project really didn't seem any different than any other that we have done. The only different thing was that not everyone was taking pictures at the same time, which made things a lot easier and more relaxed. I only have one print at the moment and it took about two minutes to get the photo and it came out ok. The lighting was just a little dark so I used the levels to change the bright light for the background. The other pictures I can do from home and see the final image at home which is much easier for me to do a project. Digital projects seem to go a lot quicker.

Monday, February 1, 2010

Printing Composition - Traditional Regalia

The usual lumberjack from Canada is easily portrayed with a red flannel shirt and a nice fur hat. By standing by a tree I was really able to capture the true lumberjack in Javier. The pose in most of the lumberjack pictures people usually see are not very consistent expect for the fact that most of them are holding an axe as well.

I had two pictures of Javier that are very similar but i decided to use this one because the light in from the back in the other picture was too bright. And also the fact that the little strap off of hat was hanging off the side bugged me a little bit. Using photoshop I was able to make the picture a little darker which brought out more of the color in the shirt of the picture. The hard light in the background is the only thing that is bothering me and creating a problem that is a little hard to work with.

This is the print that I decided to use to represent the american hippie culture. To portray hippies, peace signs, tie dye shirts and headbands were used. The print has some light coming from both sides, the light makes the print different than other portraits.

I adjusted the photo by changing the levels, making the picture a little brighter and got rid of some unnecessary shadows.

This photo represents the more "stereotypical" mexicans with the button up shirt, sombraro, and guitar. The use of all of these factors does portray the culture. The photo doesn't have much lighting or a pose, just a smile and a guitar.

I made several changes to this photo, I made it that there was a blank wall behind the subject rather than a door handle and poster on the side. I changed the levels in this photo as well and I liked how making a little darker made it more catchy for my eye.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Image Bank- Traditional Regalia

I chose this photo of a soldier standing in front of the American flag because it is probably the most common kind of formal picture in the US nowadays with the amount of people joining the army. Everyone must get their portrait taken in uniform, in front of the flag, without smiling. There is not one special photographer and the photographer is most likely not a professional. It is a very basic kind of photo but becoming more popular as times of war rise.

When thinking about traditional clothing I could think of military and being in formal uniforms and while I was searching I found this picture. Its of an eskimo family and they are wearing their big fur coats as we always see eskimos. This made me think that this is their formal and only clothing they have. This is a good example for traditional regalia, although this is the clothes we always see them with it is still considered their traditional wear.

This photo is of a geisha in Japan. I chose this photo because I saw it and noticed how much make up the girl is wearing and it just seemed weird that she had so much on. The girl is in her full dress, full make up and holding an umbrella. This is how geishas are portrayed, in their full dress and a lot of make up.

The photographer who took this is Frantisek Staud, He is a traveling photographer that doesn't specify in certain things while taking pictures. He ranges from people to landscape and buildings.

William Hogarth is a English painter who focused on painting people in their very formal clothing. Here is a picture of a group of people sitting around a table all dressed with what looks like a chef and a butler who too are dressed pretty decently.

This photo was taken by Annie Leibovitz, her style of photography is mostly for magazine covers and are of famous people. In her pictures she works with poses and costume to make the picture more powerful. She can really capture the person in her photo because her work is based on a close collaboration between herself and the subject.

Theory Notes- Traditional Regalia

This photo is a good example of a formal pose of the monarchy. The queen is placed in front of the golden and white doors suggesting the royalty she live in. She is wearing her crown and sash which are typical forms of regalia for this culture. The badges and medals on her sash are rewards for something. This shows that she has earned something and it is another thing for her to be proud of and support along with the crown.

In most formal pictures of the monarchy, they do not usually smile and this may be because they need to show their true belief in their country. To be devoted to a country and support it to its fullest, in some ways is presented by wearing things like a crown or sash. The white gloves suggest royalty or wealthiness not the status of the person.

In this photo we can see some members of the United States Marine Corps. They are all standing the same way, they are all wearing the same uniform and holding their weapons in the same way. This is a very formal pose, the weapons are not being used for what they are made for. In this case they are a prop. In the marine corps you must be very disciplined and must be is sync with everyone and every point in time if you are marching or just standing.

The regalia of these marines is their uniforms, their guns, their hats, their badges, which are the only things that may be different between all of them because they need to earn the badges. Everything is the same between them.

The pose in a picture is very important because depending on how or where you are standing in the frame you can easily be displayed as more important than someone else.