Thursday, September 11, 2008

Printing Composition

Print 1

This is the first contact sheet that I had printed for the portrait photos. 

Aperture-4 Time-12,14,16,18

This was my first try at this final print nothing went wrong with this one. The aperture is 4and the time that I used was 18 seconds.

Print 2

Aperture-4  Time 12,14,16,18

This print was the one that gave me the most trouble in getting done. I first exposed the whole print at 16 seconds then burned the wall in with an additional 10 seconds. 

This is my second contact sheet and this is where i got my still life prints. 

Print 3

Aperture-5.6 Time-24,26,28 Filter- 2

This print was very quick to produce. Aperture-5.6 Time-28 Filter-2

Print 4

There was no need for me to do a test strip for this print because the same time was able to be used with the print before this one, so the aperture-5.6, time-28 and the filter-2

This is my third and last contact sheet that I got my landscape photos from. 

Print 5

Aperture-4, Time-16,18,22,24

This print was a pretty much first try. Aperture-4 Time-19

Print 6

This print taught me what happens when you take the picture out of the chemicals too early, The sky turned from a yellowish color to a dark gray. Aperture-4 Time-8,10,12,14.

This print was another one that took me a couple tries. The tree were too dark a few times but this time I got the right time. Aperture-4 Time-10

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