Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Image Bank

When I found this picture called claustrophobic I had to look at it agian. I can see how to artist can make this picture claustrophobic by making the light unresistable.

This author has a blog with a variety of pictures, some using lighting and some just natural pictures. The author's name is Mark Goldstein and more of his fantastic pictures can be found here http://www.photographyblog.com/forums/lofiversion/index.php/t2844.html

This picture really cought my attention becuase of the moving person trapped in this small room. This picture was easy to tell that this is symbolising claustrophobia.

The artist; unknown, is very interested with nightmare pictures. There are many types of photos this photographer has taken, all of the picture are disturbing to look at but that is the part that catches the viewer's eye. The blog with all the other pictures is http://news.deviantart.com/article/32117/

Even though I did not find an artist for this picture I chose it anyway because I really like this picture and how there are two frames to make the pciture seem smaller and I also really like the fact that the hands are bold and become the focus of attention in this picture.

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