Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Printing Composition/Theory Notes

Contact Sheet

This was the first contact sheet that I made and was able to get one picture from it. The aperture was 4 and the time was 120 seconds.

From this contact sheet I was able to get the last three prints I needed for the claustrophobia project and I was able to get one of my teacher prints form this contact sheet. The settings for this contact sheet ap- 2.8 and time 115.

Print 1

This first print went pretty quickly. This only took me about two or three tries to get the best print I could. The aperture for this is 2.8 and the time is 285 seconds.
Theory notes: This print is considered claustrophobic for me because I don't like to read and the fact of focusing on one book makes me feel that it is the only that I can do.
Print 2

This print was very successful and did not take so much time, this was one of my best focused pictures I have taken. The aperture is 2.8 and the time is 220 seconds.
Theory notes: I chose to make this picture because unorganization makes me feel cluttered and thus leaving me as if i were in an enclosed space.
Print 3

This last print was also another print that took me a few times but it came out pretty good. The aperture is 2.8 and the time is 220 seconds
Theory notes: The concept for this print being claustrophobic is pretty much the same as the last print. The fact that I am focused on homerwork makes me feel that I can only do homework.

Print 4

This final print was a pretty good process I was able to get about two or three test strips and then find the right time for the final print. The settings ended up being ap- 1.8 and 400 seconds.

Theory notes: This print can speak for itself, the picture was taken through a small window suggesting enclosement.

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