Monday, February 23, 2009

Image Bank- Flash Portrait

I choose this image because this is close to the type of portraits that we were taking in class. The difference is that in this photo there is a shadow on the man's left side as for when we were shooting we were getting rid of the shadows is the background. This image and a whole other series are all portraits, some on blank walls and some outside, and even some with more than one subject. 

Printing Composition- Flash Portrait

Contact Sheet

The contact sheet came out pretty well the aperture is 4 and the time is 13 seconds, the lowest time that I have been able to use for a while. 


This print came our really well and quick for me. The aperture is 4 and the time is 32, the lowest time I have used on a full print, there is also a 2 filter. 

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Theory Notes-Flashes

Fill-in Flash

This technique is used to brighten up dark shadowed areas. Usually used outside, when the background is brighter than the subject. To use a fill flash the aperture and shutter speed need to be adjusted and the flash is pointed at the foreground. 

The cat on the right that is dark has not flash and the cat on the right does have flash and there is a significant difference between the two. 

Built-in flash

Built-in Flash is mainly used for shots taken inside, for pretty much all inside shots you will need a built- in flash.  The quality of a built in shot can vary from really great to awful. You will need to know how far you need to be from the subject in combination with how much light there is in the room. 

This diagram is an example of the range of a typical built in flash. The maximum range is from 10 to 15 feet. 

Flash Guide Numbers

A guide number measures the ability of how much the subject can be lit up by the flash. Ex- If the flash number is doubled then the subject can be at twice the distance and still be illuminated the same. The guide number is a product of the aperture and the distance. 

This chart give the flash output level and how far the flash coverage is and also provides two equations, one for finding the distance and one for finding the aperture. For a clearer picture- 

Dairy Entry- Flash Portraits

This project was quick and easy for me. My negatives processed really well and also developed really well. I was able to just get my contact sheet choose which print I wanted to do and get the small A4 size then printed my final A3 print. 

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Theory Notes-Narrative Photography

My narrative story is of a band getting ready to play some songs together. The first image that the viewer is shown is a compilation of all the instruments that are going to be played or used through the story. The guitarist then tunes his guitar and warms up. At the same time the drummer is setting everything up around him and then at the end the guitarist and drrummer get together and jam.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Image Bank-Narrative Photography

The narrative photography that I found is very interesting. The author's work "Escape" is a four part story and is a graphic story. The rest of the story can be found on

This story is from the same author and is just as interesting as the previous story but to go along with this story there is a poem attached with it. The rest of the story:

This last story "The cell" is more like the projects that we are doing, the story is a series of small pictures on one page.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Printing composition

The first contact allowed me to get two of my prints. There were only two in focus. The time was 160 and aperture 2.8.

The second contact sheet gave me the last two print aperture 2.8 at 200 seconds

The first picture that I chose to develop was of my friend playing guitar. The time was 180 seconds aperture 2.8. 

The second picture was of my drum set and my friends guitar and the time was the settings were the same as the previous print 180 seconds and 2.8 aperture. 

The third print was of my friend playing drums and the time was higher at 230 seconds and 2.8 aperture. 

The final print was of my friend playing guitar and drums together and the settings were the same as the previous print 230 seconds and 2.8 aperture. 

Dairy Entry- Photo Stories

This project sounded real interesting in the beginning because now we are creating a story with at least four photos. I really liked this because we could choose any story we wanted to. I got done with my first two prints pretty quick and with the negatives I reshot with it took a little longer.