Sunday, February 22, 2009

Theory Notes-Flashes

Fill-in Flash

This technique is used to brighten up dark shadowed areas. Usually used outside, when the background is brighter than the subject. To use a fill flash the aperture and shutter speed need to be adjusted and the flash is pointed at the foreground. 

The cat on the right that is dark has not flash and the cat on the right does have flash and there is a significant difference between the two. 

Built-in flash

Built-in Flash is mainly used for shots taken inside, for pretty much all inside shots you will need a built- in flash.  The quality of a built in shot can vary from really great to awful. You will need to know how far you need to be from the subject in combination with how much light there is in the room. 

This diagram is an example of the range of a typical built in flash. The maximum range is from 10 to 15 feet. 

Flash Guide Numbers

A guide number measures the ability of how much the subject can be lit up by the flash. Ex- If the flash number is doubled then the subject can be at twice the distance and still be illuminated the same. The guide number is a product of the aperture and the distance. 

This chart give the flash output level and how far the flash coverage is and also provides two equations, one for finding the distance and one for finding the aperture. For a clearer picture- 

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